I'm gonna share information about Langkawi which I went a long time ago. I was impressed many times! What is Langkawi? Langkawi island, probably you may not kn...
Hello everyone! I'm gonna tell you about WWOOF that I'm now using. Article in Japanese → WWOOFを使って安く海外に住もう! This article is for people who want to stay in forei...
Hi there, this time I'm gonna tell you if you're free to connect the Internet in KLIA , Malaysia. So follow my logic here. You can! It's quite easy to connect i...
How to stay cheaply in Tokyo Hello, This article is all bout how to stay cheaply in Tokyo. Since I'm living in Nagoya, I hardly go to Tokyo. But sometime...
Hello, I have two different faces , one is traveler the other one is investor. Then I think that everyone who tried stock might have experience with this situat...
What's Penang Penang is used to be called "Oriental Pearl" , and place that is bloomed as trade with England. A lot of exotic place is remaining here. No...